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New Grafton-Taylor County Health Department Administrator
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Family Planning

Our Title X Family Planning Program is a comprehensive clinic designed to support planned conception, spacing of births, prevent unplanned pregnancies, and encourage good reproductive health. The Family Planning clinic assures universal access to family planning services for all.

We also provide medical screening services for your overall health and reproductive health, including screening for infections and certain types of cancer. This can help you discover health problems and receive referrals or treatment.


  • Female or male of childbearing age, including adolescents who may not yet be sexually active; and at risk of unintended pregnancy and in need of family planning/contraceptive services; Individuals who have undergone sterilization procedures are ineligible for Family Planning services, although their fertile partners may receive services;
  • Women seeking pregnancy
  • Documented income is at or below 250% of the current Federal Poverty Level (FPL), based on current sliding fee scale
  • Uninsured or underinsured; Clients may be considered “underinsured” if the private insurance company or Health Maintenance Organization does not cover family planning/contraceptive medical services (written verification required). The client is responsible for obtaining this information from the insurance company. An “underinsured” client may be considered eligible for Family Planning Program sponsored services (Title X) and may be offered benefit of the sliding fee scale, according to income and family size, if the income is below 250% Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
  • If a private insurance company or Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) provides coverage for family planning medical services, contact the health department for further eligibility guidelines.
  • Clients with an income above 250% FPL are considered private pay clients and will be responsible for the full medical visit cost.

Family Planning Services May Include

  • Pap smear
  • Pelvic Exam
  • Breast and Testicular Exam
  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Pregnancy Option Counseling
  • Testing, treatment, and counseling of STD’s
  • Birth Control
  • Emergency Contraceptives
  • Referral for sterilization options.

Learn More About Family Planning

WV Family Planning Program