Flemington, WV Naxolone Training
Looking for Naxolone Training in Flemington, WV?
It is the mission of the Grafton-Taylor County Health Department to maintain the quality and delivery of all health and environmental services offered through this health department to the people of Taylor County. To improve and up-grade services when feasible. This will be accomplished by using the core functions of assessment, policy development and assurance. It is our mission to give these services to all individuals equally, by education-prevention-direct care and follow-up, impressing upon the people that we are here to serve them, that we do care and that we will help. It is our mission to cooperate with all other health, mental health, and environmental health agencies, as well as the community, state and federal government agencies. In carrying out our mission we hope to attain a healthier, more informed population and to make Taylor County a safer county in which to live, work, and play.